miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013
It is a plan for learning a second language. A teaching method is based on the approach we have selected. It can include objectives, activities, materiales, syllabus and teachers and students` roles. Even thougt there are many methos that we can use, it is important that teachers adapt one with their own personal style in order to make the learning more interesting and esy for students.
viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013
We as teachers need to know that is very important to know our students in order to make easily for them the learning process.
Self-fulfilment is an important part of education; indeen the most important part of education. We also want our students to be successful, so we care about them and about their learning. Moreover is crucial that teachersbelieve in students and all their potential, even whem some of students seem to be indifferent with the learning process. Teachers need to encourage this kind of students more than others and try to make them realize of what they are doing wrong.
"Students feeling are a response of what the school or the teacher has done to satisfy or fulfill their needs as unique indivuduals" that is whay is also important to create a positive atmosphere in the classroom. Students need to feel comfprtale and free to participate in class and it is our task as teachers to fulfill this need. In this way, students will feel better because their affective filter will be low and they can learn better and easily. This will influence them a lot to reach the potential to the fullest.
Learners need teachers who will show them the good. Teachers need to be very focuses on their role and potential in order to transform students` lives. Teachers have to love what they do; as a result they will do a better job. It is also important for techers to be aware of how they are impacting students. They need to work hard and show students that succeed in life is difficult but it is not imposible and that if they want to reach their dreams they have to work hard and do not give up.
viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013
1. Transformational Pedagogy Model
I want to teach because you feel really great when someone learn from you. Teach is not only about give information to others but also about make students better people. Students need teachers who can act as models in order to build their goals and dreams by seeing their teachers success. This has to be our main goal if we want to teach,we need to make a difference in our students life and influence them in a positive way. We as teachers want our students to be successful people, so it is important for teacher to believe in students`potencial. Hnece they encourage students to do the best they can, speceally if they have problems during the process of learning.
Teachers need to be transformers and get used to students`problems beacause teaching include facing with students` personal problems. but we need to be carefun with this situation because we already know that have a good relationship between teachers and students is important, but it does not mean that we have to involve a lot in their personal lifes. We are able to help students to overcome problems by giving some advices and support them without involve too much in their lifes,but most important is to accept our students with their problems.
The tansformational pedagogy model may impact posivetely lifes of in-service teachers in order to make easier for them to understand their students in different situations. They also learn how to treath stuents in the appropiate way. Since students will not be the same every day, they need to get used to their students needs. Transformational pedagogy model also impact lifes of in-service teachers by showing them how to be prepare to face different situations that can affect the way students behave in the classroom and most important it help teacher to change the way they treath students if they are not doing it in the appropiate way.
In the book we found that " the transformational pedagogy model is designed to demostrate that holism in education can have a transformational quality" . It also describe the transformational pedagogy model "as an act of teaching designed to change the learners academically, socially, and spiritually". It menas that we as future teachers have to care not only about give information to aour students but also influence them in a social and spiritual way. Pedagogy is related in how to teach and it involves many sensitive decisions, such as when and how to apply understanding of many different teaching strategiesto various educational situations.
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