viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

What do you think is the role of research to understanding teaching?

The role of research in improving our understanding of teaching is truly important becuse we need to know some theories about teaching and also how to develop them in class. By researching about different methods and techniques teachers can know which of them fit better their students` needs. Moreover, teachers can see that there are many different ways to manage a class and do different things to avoid monotone. And this will be helpful for students because they will not feel bored in class and they will be more interested on the class. As  result, they will  learn easily and their affective filter will be low,since doing different activities in class help students to overcome shyness or fear to participate.

Even though research is important and very necessary to understand teaching, it is more important to have experiences on teaching. There are alot of things teachers cannot learn by research; therefore, they need to live such experiences that can be good, sad, bad, dissapointed or exciting. And these experiences are more valuable at the end, since it is something teachers live by themselves in which they take decisions and act according to the way they see things. They can react differently depending on the kind of situation or their personality.

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